KEY MOVES EMBRACE THE RIVER LAGAN AND WATERFRONT Capitalise on one of the city’s most defining, but underused assets, the River Lagan, by strengthening connections from the city centre to the east and its surrounding communities – enhancing connectivity across and around the River Lagan. Strengthening existing projects: • One Million Trees Commitment • Belfast Cycling Network 2021 • Belfast’s Maritime Mile • Planned developments including Titanic Quarter, City Quays, Queens Quay and Waterside Shorter Term Interventions /Catalyst Opportunities: Improve existing waterfront active travel networks by connecting to the emerging Urban Greenway on the Inner Ring, introducing appropriate signage and branding. Activate the River Lagan by introducing pop-up ‘green island’ parks and swimming pontoons along its length, coupled with a network of public spaces between the harbour area to Ormeau Park. Introduce new pedestrian and cycle bridge linking Titanic Quarter to City Quays Longer Term interventions: Enhance existing and create new riverside destinations to optimise the use of River Lagan. Strengthen connectivity to both the river and surrounding communities by promoting travel along the water and enhancing both existing and new crossings at strategic locations. Introduce a new cycle and pedestrian bridge from Sailortown at the North of the City, connecting to the Titanic Quarter. Support commuting, tourism and leisure by growing and developing the Belfast Maritime Mile. Connecting to the river from the civic spine – extension of the existing linear green park along Chichester street to create green islands in the hard space outside Waterfront Hall. These could ‘spill out’ onto the river itself becoming floating green islands.